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Business Workshop with LaVerne Spruill

LinkedIn, Best Kept Secret – Professional Store to $$$ Machine​

For entrepreneurs on a mission to turn their LinkedIn presence into a client-generating machine with proven strategies and measurable result.

What You Will Learn:

Why You Should Attend

If you are not using LinkedIn, you are missing out on an incredibly versatile and FREE tool that can catapult your business if you use it wisely. I will share a lot of how-to steps, best practices, tips and shortcuts you can apply right away for immediate results. I will also share a workbook so you can follow along and track your implementation after the presentation.

Meet LaVerne Spruill

LaVerne Spruill is the Managing Member of Success Beyond Strategz Enterprise, LLC. She has a 40-year background in Executive Administration, 30 of those years helping new business owners and entrepreneurs take their vision, mission and purpose and turning them into legal realities.

Do you need to have the guesswork taken out of how to legally establish your business entity having no clue where to really begin?

Success Beyond Strategz Enterprise, LLC is here to help!

LaVerne Spruill-WWN Workshop- 2025 Speaker Flyer Feb5 - NEW
LaVerne Spruill-WWN Workshop- 2025 Speaker Flyer Feb5 - NEW