
Get Your $5 Early Bird Ticket *eb ends on Mar 8th 12am EST*

We Rise Together: Inspiring Growth, Collective Impact

Women's Business Day and Expo

At this event we’re dedicated to fostering inclusivity, leadership empowerment, and allyship among women entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds .

About The Women's Business Day & Expo

The Women’s Business Day & Expo event is dedicated to fostering inclusivity, leadership empowerment, and allyship among women from diverse backgrounds. Through interactive activities and engaging discussions, attendees will explore ways to build bridges across differences, support each other’s journeys, and collectively overcome systemic barriers as confident leaders in their industries.

women business day ans expo - women how network - wwn march 2024

Get Your Ticket Today!



Best Experienced Speakers

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident incididunt utabama.

Petey Cruiser

Dolorem iasum

Bob Frapples

Omnis occae

David Duke

Eligendi oetio

Cliff Hanger

Molestiae non

Barry Wine

Soluta nobis

Samantha Zoe

Laboris nisi





Exhibit at Women's Business Day & Expo


The Women’s Business Day and Expo will feature a wide range of woman-owned companies in all industries. Attendees are specifically coming to this event to network and spend dollars with woman-owned businesses. Make sure you are one of the many exhibitors that will grow their business that day!

Are You Good Speaker?

Share Your Expertise, Elevate Your Brand

Share your expertise, inspire women in business, and position yourself as a leader in your industry. We’re looking for dynamic speakers to host impactful workshops—apply today!

What They Say

The Event Agenda

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Our Speaker Schedules

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.


For your enjoyment we have experiences GENERAL ADMISSIONS & BRUNCH PASS

General Admission


General Admission
Brunch Pass

“Muffin & Mimosas” Brunch XP


Most Popular

At Atlantic Station

1380 Atlantic Drive NW
Suite 14250, Atlanta, GA 30363

Step into a world of empowerment at the Women’s Business Day & Expo Event hosted at Atlantic Station. Immerse yourself in a day of networking, inspiring speakers, and curated shopping experiences. Connect with a diverse array of local entrepreneurs, explore hand-crafted products, and enjoy a vibrant atmosphere filled with talent and treats. Don’t miss out on this exciting celebration of women in business!

women who network - Women's business day and expo at Atlantic station march 2024 women's history month

What To Expect

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Time Table

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Music Facility

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Fresh Drinks

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Award Gifts

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Buy Your Ticket


If you have a promo code, enter ‘promo code’ first (located above first ticket). See you there!

women who network - Women's business day and expo at Atlantic station march 2025 women's history month